Respect Life Week is a joint project of the Pro-Life Office and the US Conference of Catholic Bishops. This year’s topics include Adoption and Foster Care, Post-Abortion Healing, and Human Trafficking viewed through the lens of our Catholic faith. Students are invited to understand why we believe what we do and what we can do to build a Culture of Life right here in the Diocese of Brownsville.
Through curriculum, prayer and service, students in grades PK-12 will have the opportunity to reflect on the infinite love of Christ for every person. Respect Life Week is a cross-curricular program. Teachers, campus ministers, administrators and parents are encouraged to work together to make the week meaningful and impactful for our students.
Lesson 1: Adoption and Foster Care
Goal: Students will learn about the loving choice of adoption and explore stories of people who have been adopted. Activities will reinforce a thankfulness for family and home and a desire to pray for and support those children who do not have either.
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Lesson 2: Friendship and Loving Each Other
Goal: To introduce children to the concept of friendship, particularly focusing on how to be a good friend by treating others with respect and love.
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Lesson 3: The Uniqueness of Every Person
Goal: To introduce children to the concept of personhood and the unique gift of each human life created intentionally by God.
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Lesson 1: Adoption and Foster Care
Goal: Students will learn about the loving choice of adoption and explore stories of people who have been adopted. Activities will reinforce a thankfulness for family and home and a desire to pray for and support those children who do not have either.
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Lesson 2: What a Good Friend Does
Goal: Students will learn the difference between treating others with respect and using others as a means to an end. Activities will reinforce the qualities of a good friend, and what each of our responsibility is toward others.
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Lesson 3: Loving All Human Life
Goal: To introduce children to the concept of personhood and the unique gift of each human life created intentionally by God.
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Lesson 1: Adoption and Foster Care
Goal: Students will learn about the loving choice of adoption and explore stories of people who have been adopted. They will hear from children awaiting adoption. Activities will reinforce a thankfulness for family and home and a desire to pray for and support those children who do not have either.
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Lesson 2: Making Choices to Live Our Best Lives
Goal: Students will learn the difference between treating others with respect and using them as a means for an end. Activities will reinforce the qualities of a good friend, and what each of our responsibility is toward others. Topics will include gossiping, bullying, and internet safety.
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Lesson 3: Loving and Respecting All Human Life
Goal: Introduce the idea of respect for all life beginning at the moment of conception and why it is so important to support women who are expecting children.
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Lesson 1: Adoption and Foster Care
Goal: Students will learn about the number of infants and children available for adoption or in the foster care system. They will explore adoption as a loving option for unexpected pregnancies. Activities and personal testimonies will reinforce the need of each person to have stability, love, and family.
Lesson 2: The Reality of Human Trafficking in the US and Internationally
Goal: Students will learn about the growing problem of human trafficking, both domestic and international. They will learn what trafficking victims experience, how to recognize the victimization of a modern-day slave, and how to keep themselves safe from predators.
Lesson 3: The Effects of Pregnancy Choices on Individuals and the World
Goal: Students will learn about the difficult choices facing a woman in an unintended pregnancy and how the effects of her choice change her and the entire world.
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Lesson 1: A World Without Abortion
“Respect for life requires that science and technology should always be at the service of man and his integreal development. Society as a whole must respect, defend and promote the digninty of every human person, at every moment and in every condition of that person's life."
Lesson 2: Salvaging a Throw-Away Culture
"In God's family, where all are sons and daughters of the same father, and, becasue they are grafted to Christ, sons and daughters in the Son there are no "disposable lives". All men and women enjoy an equal and inviolable dignity. All are loved by God. All have been redeemed by the blood of Christ, who died on the cross and rose for all. This is the reason why no one can remain indifferent before the lot of our brothers and sisters." -POPE FRANCIS
Lesson 3: Made in God's Likeness
"We must love out neighbor as being made in the image of God as an object of His Love."