In the past few years, there has been a change in the way we refer to the mission of handing on the faith. Most of our parishes continue to call their programs Religious Education while some have begun to transition to Faith Formation. Historically in the Diocese of Brownsville, our parishes have used one or more of the following names to refer to this mission of the Church:
In the Diocese of Brownsville, Faith Formation typically refers to Religious Education for Children and Youth (K-12). In addition to this grade-level catechesis, a child or young person would be expected to have an additional time set aside for either Sacramental Preparation and/or Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) Preparation. Some of our parishes also provide Adult Faith Formation, since it is the primary task of catechesis at the parish. Below are listed other types of catechesis that take place at some of our parishes:
As noted in the Administrative Guidelines for Catechetical Programs in the Diocese of Brownsville, parishes may purchase curriculum programs from any of the following approved publishers:
As of July 1, 2022, parishes may also purchase curriculum programs from the following approved publishers: