What is a priest?
In short, a priest is a man for others. A priest serves the faithful in union with Christ. Without Christ, a priest fails in his priesthood.
What does a diocesan priest do?
In general, diocesan priests celebrate the sacraments of baptism, marriage, confession, anointing of the sick, and the consecration of the Body and Blood of Christ. They perform the corporal works of mercy. In other aspects of priesthood, priests administrate the parish, and work with different parish committees and ministries. They deal with people and their issues. In other cases, the Bishop assigns priests with particular ministries: Hospital Chaplains, Prison Chaplains, Seminary Formator, Vocation Director, Canon Lawyers, Chancellor, etc.
What is the Sacrament of Holy Orders?
This sacrament of Holy Orders bestows the necessary grace for a man to become a member of the clergy in the Catholic Church. There are three degrees of ordination:Deacon – An ordained minister dedicated to service, especially in these three areas: proclamation and preaching of the Word of God, the liturgy, and charity.
Priest – An ordained minister to serve the People of God within a particular Diocese or Religious community.
Bishop - An ordained minister to serve the People of God in a position of authority.
What are the two kinds of Priests?
A diocesan priest serves under a bishop within a particular diocese.
A religious priest is a member of a religious community committed to a special charism. They respond to their perspective superior.
How much does seminary formation cost?
The Diocese of Brownsville assists current seminarians with the financial costs.
What studies are needed?
A Collegiate is a seminarian without a post-high school education or college degree. They start a bachelor’s degree in philosophy, a four-year program.
A Pre-Theologian is a seminarian with a college degree. However, the seminary expects these seminarians to study philosophy. They study philosophy for two years, before they start with their graduate studies in Theology.
A Theologian is a seminarian studying for a master’s degree in theology. They study for four years at a major seminary. They pursue a degree called Masters of Divinity.
Overall, the Church expects for seminarians to learn philosophy and theology.
What if my family is not supportive?
In some cases, family and friends misunderstand the vocation to priesthood or religious life. Despite their lack of support, you can develop friendships with seminarians and priests, who can support you. Within time and explanations, your family and friends can learn the signficance of priesthood through your vocation.