December 24 marks the beginning of the 2025 Jubilee year. Pope Francis will open the Holy Door of the Papal Basilica of St. Peter who will then preside the celebration of the Night Mass of the Nativity of Our Lord at the Basilica.
The Jubilee of 2025 is a significant event in the Catholic Church, marking a year of special spiritual graces and indulgences. The concept of a jubilee year is based on the Old Testament, where every 50 years, debts were forgiven, and slaves were freed (Leviticus 25:10-13). Throughout the Church history, the frequency of this celebration has varied and is now set to every 25 years. This is an opportunity to invite the faithful to pilgrimage, prayer, and penance.
The Jubilee is not only a time for personal spiritual renewal but also for the Church to emphasize themes of mercy, reconciliation, and social justice. It is a reminder of the universal call to holiness and the Church's mission to spread the Gospel. Pope Francis has called for the Jubilee of 2025 to focus on the theme "Pilgrims of Hope," encouraging the faithful to renew their commitment to living out the Christian virtues of faith, hope, and charity.
It is expected that millions of pilgrims travel to Rome to pass through the Holy Doors of the four major basilicas. These sealed doors are opened by the Pope at the beginning of the jubilee. Pilgrims who enter through these doors and participate in confession, receiving the Eucharist, and praying for the Pope's intentions, can receive a plenary indulgence.
Diocesan celebrations are important to connect to the local church. The Rio Grande Valley hosts four Holy Sites: Immaculate Conception Cathedral in Brownsville, Basilica of Our Lady of San Juan del Valle- National Shrine, Our Lady Guadalupe in Raymondville, and Immaculate Conception Church in Rio Grande City. A pilgrim guide and passport will soon be published.
The Pilgrim's Guide will have information on the Holy Sites, prayers, and reflection questions.To gain a Plenary Indulgence, the faithful must visit one of the churches designated as a pilgrimage site, and attentively offer prayers for the intentions of the Holy Father, in addition to any other personal intentions. It is recommended that the prayers include the recitation of the Creed, the Our Father, three Hail Marys, and the Glory Be. The usual conditions for an indulgence apply: