Bishop Daniel E. Flores again invites you to delve deeper this holy season of waiting as you enter a dialogue with God. In his full-color 2021 Advent companion, To Begin Again: An Advent Invitation, each reflection is accompanied by religious art on which to meditate further on the Gospel. It provides an opportunity to practice Visio Divina.
Visio Divina, Latin for "divine seeing," is the practice of praying with images or visual media.
Bishop Flores notes in his book, "Art touches the human senses precisely to move us with its beauty to contemplate human realities that lie beyond the senses. As you embark on praying with the Scriptures, I invite you as well to meditate on the selection of images included."
To get more information on obtaining a copy of Bishop Flores' 2021 book of Advent reflections, email Paul Binz at the Communications office in San Juan, [email protected], or call him at (956) 784-5055.
Here are some steps for Visio Divina.
Step 1: Visio – See
After you read the Scripture for the day, gaze upon the image or icon. Look at it carefully. Pay attention. Be open to what God wants you to see.
Step 2: Meditatio – Meditate
Take a few minutes to think about the image and the message that emerges. Is there something specific that calls your attention? Does the image help place you in that moment? How do you encounter the Word, the message of the Lord, Jesus?
Step 3: Oratio – Pray
Spend some time in conversation with God.
Step 4: Contemplatio –
Contemplate & Response
Be in his presence. Be still and listen. What does the image say to you? What feelings does it prompt? What is God inviting you to contemplate, to learn, to do? How will you respond?